Prayer Ministry: Prayer is vital to the life of faith. Every time we gather for worship, we pray for the Church, the world, and those we know to be in need. Every Sunday we list requests for prayers in our bulletin for a variety of people, from those celebrating the birth of a baby to those in need of healing and comfort. Please contact the church office with prayer requests for the bulletin and for Sunday morning prayers.

When you are hospitalized: Members of our care team are happy to visit OSL members when they are hospitalized. Please contact the church office or Pastor Heather with information about current or upcoming hospitalizations.

Prayer links and additional resources:

Moravian Daily Texts: Throughout its history the Moravian church has provided daily scriptural verses intended to act as a contemplative theme for the day. Daily Text provided by Mount Carmel Retreat Center lists the appointed Moravian texts for each day.

World in Prayer: Praying for the world includes being aware of what’s happening in international news. Visit World in Prayer and sign-up for weekly prayers for the world.