Sunday School 2024-2025

Sunday School is offered to children 4K through 6th grade. We are using the Whirl Classroom Curriculum.  This year Sunday School will run from 10:15-11:00am.


Sunday School starts each week with a large group gathering (called Launch) in the Rec Room downstairs.  Here students are introduced to the day’s theme, collect a Sunday School offering, and sing a couple of songs.  Students are then released to their teachers and classrooms.  Parents/guardians should pick up their students from their classrooms at 11:00am.


To register your children for Sunday School, please print off the following form and return to the church office or Denise Vick.

OSL Education Form 24-25


For more information please contact Denise Vick, Director of Children and Family Ministry,

at 715-235-0693, x-206.